Were Back again……Following Tuesdays 3 Points, were back in Home Action and the weather is looking Fab…..So were celebrating in style with our Superb Non-League Day Offer……FREE BEER*
Full details of tickets and entry details can be found here…..click this link.
Get yourselves down to show your support and get behind the Pitmen once more, as we seek to push up the table once again…..we need you ALL. So grab your friends, family and colleagues and get yourselves down to enjoy a drink and to catch all the live action at the game…
*Terms & Conditions apply…..see website for full details…
Don’t forget also, Early Bird Tickets are now available to buy via our website (Click Here for Link) for Party at the Park & Pride at the Park, which is been held on the 30th & 31st July 2022…..For an Epic Day/weekend out, with Top Live Bands, this is an event not to be missed…..Get yours now, to take full advantage of the early bird pricing…Spread the word also, and like and share this event…..lets get a full stadium…..to totally Rock the Joint….